Free Blank Books contest

Free Blank Books contest

Here are the long-awaited contests. You have from now (noon Friday) until Midnight on Tuesday (December 5th) to get your responses back. We are asking you to write a 300-400 word essay answering the following questions. Best essay gets the prize.


To win the ESV Blank Reverse Interlinear:

Answer this very general question: “How would this blank interlinear help you in your study of the New Testament?”


To win the Blank Valley of Vision:

Answer this very detailed question: “Explain a time in your life when you read a Puritan work that gave you better understanding of the Christian life and caused permanent life change as a result. Explain the situation, the book and author, the moment of illumination and the permanent fruit of that change.”



1. We are limiting this contest to adult residents of the continental United States. Okay, okay, we will broaden it to both the continental U.S. and Canada.

2. You can only enter one of the two contests.

3. You must email your response to me by Tuesday night at 11:59 PM CST (tony AT tonyreinke DOT com). Please put “VoV” or “Interlinear” in the subject line depending upon which contest you enter.

4. You must include your full name and mailing address in the email so we can mail the books to the winning entry (though only your first name, city and state will be published).

5. Winners will be announced on Wednesday afternoon.


Thank you for taking part in this exciting contest!

To read more about how we made them (and how you can make them yourselves) check out The Shepherd’s Scrapbook index of “Blank” projects.

22 thoughts on “Free Blank Books contest

  1. What a great way to spend the weekend! Which one do I enter? I pray reading these will be as big a blessing to you as writing them will most likely be to those who enter. If anyone here is in Vegas and would like to try making your own, I know someone who owns a table saw. We could make a day of it. Blessings.

  2. Also. My work has said they can loan me a whole puncher as well. It can only take 10 sheets at a time, but I can do it at home or at work rather than at a store. Vegas people, if there are any other, again we can make a day of it.

  3. Dallas,

    The first annual “Blank Bible” convention is being held in Las Vegas!? If you do get a group together, I certainly want a picture of the scene! Prise God, great idea!


  4. No problem Tony. My wife is a Photographer also. Maybe she could take some picks of so far me, my brother in law, and maybe some guys at my church working on our new projects. You have re-started a revolution brother. Praise God indeed. I wonder if Crossway can send out just the pages of the Bible? We could skip the saw part and save some fingers.

  5. A quick question Tony. You had said on your earlier Bible
    “Each OT book has at least 2 pages at the beginning of the book.”
    Why is it you did this? What did you have in mind for this? I am trying to get ideas.

  6. Dallas,

    Some of the OT books I chose not to insert a blank page between each bible page. Especially in some of the narratives like Kings and Chronicles. The top and bottom margins are enough space for me. So I put 2-3 blank pages at the beginning of, say, 1 Chronicles. That way if I needed more room to comment on some passage I could use those blank pages at the beginning of the book. This gives me room to comment but without needed to add blanks between each page. Make sense?

    You may find a better system. I was worried that it would become simply too large with blanks between each page.


  7. Tony,
    Where did you get your coils? Did you buy them at a bulk, or did you just by individual coils from OfficeMax? I am wondering if it would be cheeper in the long run if I bought a bulk for projects in the future. Let me know when you can.

  8. Dallas, I’ve got the same question as you. I can only find packs of 100 to be bought online. 100 is way too many! I wonder if a few of us wanted to “go in” together and buys some bigger coils than what is usually found at office supply stores. The biggest I could find around here is like 26mm. Let me know.

  9. Dallas and Justin,

    I just purchased 28’s at Office Depot. Keep looking locally, you should find them.

    Remember that the larger coils convert to 3:1 ratio — 3 holes per inch and not the standard 4:1 ratio of 4 holes per inch. 4:1 is the standard punch.



  10. I found a binding supply store here in Vegas that will sell me individual coils. They also sell boxes of 100, the 32 size, for like $37 which is by far the best I have seen. The guy also said that if I come in he will let me punch them myself. I ordered my Bible yesterday and will get the coils and all soon after it arrives.

    Let me know if you want to go in on a box, and that goes for anyone who is interested. I certainly do not need 100, or 50.

  11. If you cannot preach a sermon in under 40 minutes you haven’t studied hard enough.

    I’ll give you 600 words, only because you are going to fund most of the Spider!!


  12. Tony, you are tough. I forgot that you write for a living. You are sounding like my old English teacher Sister Mary hits-on-the-knuckles. Oops, I’ll be nice, need the extra 100 words. I will take it down to the beach and work on it. You going ice fishing with Ole today?

    PS: The only Spider I can afford are the ones J Edwards talked about.

  13. Justin, my brother in law and my Pastor are in. We each would have to pay like 9 or 10 bucks and would get 25 coils. I can not access your site so maybe Tony would be gracious enough to email you my email address and we can work out shipping and all that if you are interested. Tony, how bout it?

  14. I am a student of Ghana Christian University College in Ghana offering a degree course in theology. In the course I am doing I am going to offer Greek and Hebrew but unfortunately I do not have any documents on any of these subjects so please I will like you to help get the book
    ESV Blank Reverse Interlinear. I will be very glad to have all your support by sending me this book which will be helpful to my studies.
    This is my postal address through which you can send the book if you wish.
    Wisdom nyador
    dd 48 dodowa
    Thank for your understanding and may the Lord richly bless you for taking into my consideration my request.

  15. Dear in christ,
    The Lord of peace has given me this
    great opportunity to write you this brief letter.
    How are you and all your family as well as the people
    arround you? I hope by the grace of God you are fine
    as i am here in Ghana.
    Please my aim of wrtting you this
    letter is that,i am in the fild of the work of Christ
    and i will be happy if you could help me in this
    way,sending me some Holy Bibles and some other
    christian books.
    I would like to here from you as soon as you read it.
    I hope you will not disappoint me.
    I end here with the Alpha and Omega GOD.

    Kofi Sumaila
    Oforikrom m/a ‘b’.s.s 3076
    Kumasi Ghana
    West Africa.

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