Banner of Truth Tour (Carlisle, PA, Wed. PM)


Banner of Truth Tour
Carlisle, PA, Wed. PM

One personal highlight from the trip East was a tour of the Banner of Truth warehouse in Carlisle, PA (about 30 minutes from the conference). The tour was pushed back until late Wednesday night. But it was worth the wait.

Steve, who manages the US branch of the Banner of Truth, was gracious enough (at 11:00 PM last night!) to drive me down so I could see the warehouse. It was a great treat.

The Banner of Truth offices and warehouse in Carlisle are sandwiched by condos in what seemed to be a residential area. The Banner building itself is a very long and narrow with two levels of offices in the front and warehouse in the back. The first books you see in the entry are the damaged volumes (most only slightly damaged). These volumes sell at 50-percent off. Also in the entry are a few desks (one of another Banner friend, Beth). Another set of offices is directly upstairs. From the entry you walk back to the packing room. This room holds a handful of copies of each Banner book and a table outfitted for packaging. From this packing room and through an industrial door, you enter in to the large warehouse. The warehouse is mainly a large metal structure where the pallets and bulk stacks of individual volumes are stored. The paperbacks are stored on the second level and the hardcover books on the main level. The warehouse was very tidy. To the far back of the warehouse and along one of the walls were the new arrivals from Edinburgh. Many of these volumes were on crates and simple boxes.

I was greatly surprised at the volume of works warehoused and (by consequence) gratefully surprised at the amount of books the Banner must sell on a regular basis. So having personally seen the impact of authors like John Bunyan in my own life, it was an especially moving experience to see a stack of hundreds of copies of his works. Or to see thousands of copies of Expository Thoughts on John by J.C. Ryle or stacks of boxes of the Works of John Owen or a pile of Spurgeon’s autobiography or to see 10,000 copies of Jonathan Edwards’ Religious Affections. Walking through the Banner warehouse was a powerful experience — not merely as a bibliophile – but as a Christian who has experienced the powerful content of these works in drawing me closer to Christ and His Cross.

What will become of this stack of John Bunyan or Jonathan Edwards? This will be left in the hands of our Sovereign God. But we can be sure there will be new readers who, through the work of the Banner staff, will be introduced to a new world of reading, to new authors and new books. And through this introduction these readers will be eternally changed for the glory of God. My personal experience of these volumes and my expectations for a new generation of readers is what made a tour of the Banner warehouse so special. It was a great experience, even if it was midnight before we returned to Grantham.


A few choice pictures. Here are some books in the packing room.

Stacks of boxes filled with Spurgeon’s autobiography.

The Works of John Bunyan. Isn’t this beautiful?

Two crates filled with Edwards’ Religious Affections (perhaps 10,000 copies).

The Forgotten Spurgeon by Iain Murray.

Ryle on John (vol. 3).

The warehouse.



Related: For more posts and pictures from the 2007 Banner of Truth Ministers’ Conference check out the complete TSS conference index.

13 thoughts on “Banner of Truth Tour (Carlisle, PA, Wed. PM)

  1. Tony,
    I appreciate your blog and the recent posts on the Banner of Truth Ministers conference. They are helpful… I am an intern at a rescue mission and was handed a book “Jesus and the Disinherited” and am having a hard time finding a solid book review. Do you have any ideas?

    in the King

  2. Tony,

    Thanks for the update. I was just by to visit Steve and Banner a few weeks ago. What a delight it was! The tour of the warehouse was really cool. The staff was great.

    I have to admit, my main motivation was to both see the “secret shelves” (as Steve calls them) that contain the slightly damaged books and to meet Steve after contacting him via email since finding his blog. I walked away with a greater appreciation for Banner (and a sizeable stack of books). Thanks for blogging the Banner conference and some shots of the warehouse.

    Steve Praz

  3. Listened to an Ian Murray interview over at 9marks, he’s a awfully lovely sounding fellow!

    My heart is thrilled with what Banner of Truth does.

    Thanks for giving them some press and support.

    In God’s Grace,


  4. May God bless America, the land where the ship Mayflower landed, with these great Banner of Truth books.

  5. Wow. I think BoT should charge a fee for entrance into the warehouse. Just like Disneyland. 8-) That’s one place I’d love to visit when in PA.

  6. Banner is great, but you did go around the corner to The Cumberland Valley Bible Book Service – didn’t you?

    If not, you missed out!!

    My in-laws live near Carlisle, so I just happen to drop in these two fine establishments when we visit the family!

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