ESV Literary Study Bible links

ESV Literary Study Bible

For those taking note at home, we have a chronology of links for readers interested in the new ESV Literary Study Bible edited by Leland and Philip Graham Ryken.

1. TSS reviewed the ESV LSB and you can read it here.

2. TSS traveled to Wheaton to interview editor Leland Ryken (listen to audio here).

3. The ESV released their official ESV LSB website here.

4. Now on the official ESV LSB website readers can browse the full text for free! Click here.

5. Finally, our friends over at Crossway transcribed the Ryken interview. Be watching for the text later this week at the official ESV LSB website.

PS – I’m told further production delays are slowing the release of the ESV LSB. They should ship in another week (first week in October).

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