Books for Your Bride: The Music Mom

tsskare.jpg by Karalee

Tony’s gone this week, so we’re sporting new colors at TSS and serving up Christmas gift ideas for the ladies. (Since many of our husbands already bought their Christmas presents from Tony’s book recommendations this year.)

First, we looked at a few “one-size-fits-all” gifts, now we’re looking at specific options for different interests.

The Music Mom

Tell-tale signs your wife would enjoy this category: She sings in the shower, and it actually sounds good. She also sings in the car, when washing dishes, and when reading to the kids. She teaches the alphabet starting at Middle C.

Personal note: This particular category does not describe me. When I sing my baby to sleep, he falls asleep fast – just so I’ll stop singing, I presume. So I’m borrowing a few books tssmusicmom.jpgon this list from Sovereign Grace worship leader Bob Kauflin. (Who has an excellent reading list posted here on his blog.)

Bless this music-loving wife with a CDs and books that will not only create sound waves, but also send shock waves of grace to her soul.

Gift ideas

Music: For some of the best Gospel-saturated and theologically-sound music in one place, visit the Sovereign Grace store. You can buy entire albums or a single song at a time from the Songbox. Two of our favorite albums are Songs for the Cross-Centered Life and the Valley of Vision. The Christmas CD, Savior, is one we listen to all year long.

Another set of CDs we have listened to over and over again is the Hide the Word series from Mark and Stephen Altrogge. Their Scripture memory songs are very well done, and have helped us (and our son) to memorize many beautiful Scripture passages. One thing we appreciate in particular about the verses the Altrogges set to music is that they are noticeably Cross-centered.

Books: Biographies are one of my favorite literary genres, as they blend the meatiness of nonfiction with the9781581348484.jpg tssprentiss.jpgnosiness of peeking into someone else’s life. For a music fan, we recommend the biographies of two hymn writers, Elizabeth Prentiss and John Newton. You can find an excellent review series on the Prentiss biography at GirlTalk, and a glimpse into the Newton biography here at TSS.

A few worship and music related resources from the “highly recommended” list on Bob Kauflin’s blog include: Engaging with God (David Peterson), When I Don’t Desire God: How to Fight for Joy (John Piper), and Living the Cross-Centered Life (C.J. Mahaney), He also recommends the Valley of Vision, and we recommend (again) the Sovereign Grace CD based upon those prayers. (More info on the VoV in the “one size fits all” post here.)

Gift-giving ideas: The holidays are full of opportunities for local concerts, providing excellent ideas for a “Christmas date night.” Because the holidays are full of busy celebrations with the kids and in-laws, a Christmas date night is an opportunity to celebrate with just your bride. Whether you can schedule your date before Christmas or after, taking the time to spend with her alone will bless your friendship and your marriage. For the music-loving wife, a local concert or musical would be an excellent place to start. Or go out for coffee and read the first chapter of one of the recommended books together.

Ultimately, the best gift you can give your wife is not one that can be wrapped in shiny red paper and tied with a bow. Centering your home around the Gospel, loving her as Christ loved the Church, and faithfully serving her in humility and grace is a gift that will prepare her heart not only for the year ahead, but for a lifetime with her Savior. Most importantly, the price tag of the gift doesn’t matter, because the ultimate price for our sin has already been paid by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Loving her with this glorious Gospel is a priceless gift.

May God be glorified in your homes this Christmas!

Stay tuned this week as we serve up gift-giving ideas for:

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