Neil Postman: Technology and Society

The late Neil Postman—author of Amusing Ourselves to Death (1985)—spoke on the topic of technology and society in Grand Rapids early in 1998. His entire presentation is available on YouTube in seven parts. Postman was something of a modern prophet and his voice is worth returning to in our technology-centered society. In this presentation he makes some important points including this one: Every new technology solves problems (for some people); but each new technological advance also generates its own set of new problems. Thoughtful points like this are littered throughout his writings and this presentation.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

9 thoughts on “Neil Postman: Technology and Society

  1. Chris, you are most welcome. … Thank YOU for writing on forgiveness. Your point about not forgiving those who are not repentant was a shock to me at first. But I see the point and see how it highlights the cross and the justice of God. Well done! Tony

  2. I have read a few of Postman’s books now and they are well worth reading.

    I didn’t know about this lecture so I am thankful for you posting it. It has whetted my appetite, so I’ll have to buy Technopoly.

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